

B.J. Network AB is a Swedish consulting company working with distribution and dissemination of clean and environmental technologies. Active since 2000, BJ Network has successfully established itself as a major supplier of technological equipment and system solutions within air purification technology and other technologies. BJ Network is primarily focused on developing the Swedish and Chinese markets.



We are dedicated to providing consultancy within the fields of environmental/clean technologies. From startup to expansion and scaling, we promise to be there with you.

Through our subsidary brand, Bentax, we offer sophisticated air purification technology based on tried and tested ionisation technology. Developed in Sweden and Switzerland, sold worldwide. You can find out more by clicking here

With several years of cross national business experience, we have a know-how and a network to rely on. B.J. Networks AB offers unique insights on how to navigate the Chinese market for Swedish companies and vic versa.

Contact / 联系方式

  • Address / 地址
  • B.J. Network AB
  • Skårs Led 3
  • 412 63 Gothenburg
  • Sweden